uploads/girl friday.jpg

girl friday 女事務員,能干的女助手。

girl friend

Mary , a well - known sunday painter ` s girl friday , went to the art exhibition in her sunday best yesterday and made a hit with all the gentlemen there who seemed to have sunday - go - to - meeting mannes 瑪麗是一位有名的業余畫家的女助手。她昨天身著最佳服飾去赴藝術展覽會,風靡了所有在場的那些看睛去風度翩翩的紳士們。

This is mary , my girl friday . my office couldn ' t function without her 這位是我的女助理瑪莉。她很干練,我的辦公室沒有她就無法運作。

Miss smith is the manager ' s girl friday 史密斯小姐是總經理的得力助手。